Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Happy FO dance

I just love it when things work out!

  • Araucania Nature Wool (body) and Classic Elite Poet (collar)
  • Pattern from Sept. 2007 Crochet! magazine
  • Modifications: none
  • Ease above actual body measurements: 0

Since I had issues with the overall largeness of the Sandy cardigan I just finished, I decided to try going with a lot less ease for this cardigan. It is meant to be a close-fitting style, and I made it to have a finished measurement equaling my bust measurement. Although I rarely button cardigans, this one does close without pulling or straining. If I were to crochet another cardigan of this type I would probably tweak the shoulder width just a bit more (I have narrow shoulders), but they're not bad.

I think this is the first pattern that I've actually managed to follow when making something crocheted(other than a scarf). So, I'd have to say it's an easy pattern - although I think there may be an error in the size hook that the pattern calls for when doing the front/neck edging. As printed it's calling for the same size used for the body - I ended up using one two sizes smaller for a non-ruffly edging. Of course, your mileage may vary.

All in all a pleasant project - I look forward to cooler weather so I can wear it! How do models manage to wear woolly garments when it's blazing hot outside?

1 comment:

Sande Francis said...

hahahaha!! Those stick figure models have no insulation and even under blazing lights need to bundle up so they dont freeze. Let's hear it for REAL women! (G) sweater looks very good - I couldnt wear a crocheted sweater in anything heavier than lace wt - I'm **always** hot!